Client: Virtuplex
Time period: 2022
Team: Tomas Rousek, Libor Lacina

XTENDing Metaverse: We have just opened @Virtuplex SK – the world’s largest commercially available VR hall. You and up to eight people can enjoy a virtual walk in a 700m2 area, while others can join you over the internet. Our team has designed the “Gate to VR” reception space, the comfortable lounge, and the office for VR developers.

Virtuplex lets you feel the future shape of commercial, production or office spaces before they are built and present projects to future tenants and other key players using VR and AR technology in its halls since 2018. The Virtuplex platform facilitates VR collaboration for those physically present in the hall and remotely. The expanse of space allows for free movement in a 1:1 scale virtual model.

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