RayService – hi-tech office interior

Client: RayService 
Location: Ostrava, Czech Republic
Year of Completion: 2014
Design partner company: Tetris Design and Build
Team: Tomas Rousek, Dzenita Sagdati, Radka Argayova, Lenka Mackova, Denisa Nebrenska, Ondrej Palicka, Ondrej Slavik

The RayService company is a successful Czech producer of electrical components e.g. for Airbus and Boeing airplanes and Porsche cars. Tetris was commissioned to create an interesting interior design of the extension of existing headquarters and manufacturing facility. The design should reflect the company’s hi-tech advanced products and it’s philosophy. Interior includes three floors of new building, where the manufacturing part is located on the second floor and the offices are placed on third floor. Based on our previous experience with projects for NASA and Formula 1 we took inspiration from aerospace and automotive industries. For instance, the form of receptionist desk made of Corian is derived from “winglets” at the ends of wings of new Boeing planes. The aerodynamic wing of the desk morphs into the upper part at the ceiling which accommodates lighting and electrical systems. Large meeting room on the third floor includes an innovative design of the aluminium ceiling which covers structural beams of the roof. Arched profile of ceiling components provides a better distribution of light and its finish is related to the construction of plane body. Furthermore, the form of the kitchen is inspired by shapes of AUDI cars. In general, the clean bright interior elements are contrasting with rough concrete of the building. The dynamic look is also emphasised by vector graphics designs with a theme of cables and connectors.

Spolecnost RayService je uspesna ceska spolecnost dodavajici komponenty napriklad pro letadla Boeing, Airbus ci auta Porsche. Pri rozsirovani jejich kancelari a vyrobny byl nas team osloven za ucelem vytvoreni zajimaveho designu interieru pristavby. Ten by mel predevsim reflektovat jejich hi-tech vyrobky a pokrocilost produktu. Interier se rozklada pres 3 nadzemni podlazi, pricemz 2. podlazi tvori vyrobna a 3. podlazi ma administrativni funkci. Diky predchozim zkusenostem s architekturou pro NASA ci Formuli 1 jsme se inspirovali v leteckem a automobilovem prumyslu. Napriklad forma recepce vyrobene z Corianu vychazi z tvaru “winglets” na koncich kridel dopravnich letadel a toto aerodynamicke kridlo potom integruje dalsi prvky jako svetla a rozvody elektriny. Velka zasedaci mistnost na 3. patre ma inovativni design aluminioveho podhledu, ktery zakryva podelne tramy a svym obloukovym profilem slouzi pro lepsi distribuci svetla. I zpracovani podhledu reaguje na pojeti stavby trupu letadel. Kuchyne potom bere inspiraci z vozidel znacky AUDI. V interieru kontrastuji ciste elementy se surovym betonem a vse dokresluje linearni grafika s motivem kabelu a konektoru.

