A-ETC se meni na XTEND DESIGN s.r.o.

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Korunní 2569/108, Vinohrady, 101 00 Praha 10.
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A-ETC jsme s Jakubem a Robertem zalozili v roce 2005 behem studii. Po 10 letech fungovani A-ETC jsme s Veronikou vytvorili nasi Londynskou pobocku XTEND DESIGN LTD a nyni po 15 letech jsme zavrsili tuto transformaci i v CR. Bavi nas navrhovat designy nejen na nasi planete, ale i pomahat s rozsirovanim lidstva dal do vesmiru, coz dobre vystihuje sloveso EXTEND. Krom toho nase rodina je s nasi nadmernou vyskou take pekne protahla, neboli EXTENDED :)
Behem tech let jsme postupne budovali nase interplanetarni portfolio projektu, od vizitek novych startupu az po vesmirne stanice NASA…
a tesime se, az budeme s Vami spolupracovat na dalsich vyzvach!
dekujeme za dosavadni spolupraci
Tom a Veronika

The Lusail Expressway project got a new award

Lusail Expressway got Global Best Project ENR Award



Tom Rousek was helping at AECOM London with architecture and design of this challenging project.

Lusail Expressway has won the 6th annual Global Best Project ENR 2018 award by Engineering News-Record (ENR), a reputed engineering and construction industry magazine, in the Road/Highway category.

Global Best Projects identifies and honours the project teams behind outstanding design and construction efforts of the past year.

“The judges picked a diverse set of 22 projects hailing from 14 different countries and every continent but Antarctica. These outstanding examples show the risks, rewards and hurdles overcome when designing and building internationally,” ENR said on their website.

“The judges looked at projects in many markets and examined safety performance, innovations, challenges, and design and construction quality – with a special emphasis on the diversity of global project teams and their collaboration. They also considered how the project benefits the local community and/or the construction industry.”

Lusail Expressway project includes the arches at Interchange 5/6, which are the biggest and tallest monument in Qatar with a height of 100 metres and width of 147 metres. It weighs more than 9,300 tonnes of steel.



BIOWYSE Kick-Off meeting in Brussels in January 2016.

Consortium Members:

Thales Alenia Space Italia: Ilaria Locantore ,Cesare Lobascio, Guarnieri Vincenzo

CNR-IRSA: Simona Roseti, Caterina Levantesi, Stefano Amalfitano

Società Metropolitana Acque Torino S.p.A.: Donatella Giacosa

GL Biocontrol: Laurent Garrelly, Clement Faye, Nicolas Fabre

Liewenthal Electronics: Martin Koiv, Kalle Arulaane, Rainer Tamm

AquiSense Technologies Europe: Oliwer Lawal, Rich Simons

Università degli Studi di Firenze: Alessio Megnioni

A-ETC : Tomas Rousek, Veronica Rousek

ESF Office: Emmanouil Detsis

Invited Guests:

Christos Ambatzis (REA)


Tom Rousek has created the illustration for first ESA Closed Habitat Forum in Lausanne.


The European Space Agency and the University of Lausanne organizes

ESA Closed Habitats Forum – Where Earth and space team up to build the future

which will take place from June 9th, 14.00 till June 10th, 17.00

in Lausanne University (UNIL), Switzerland

The ESA Closed Habitats Forum aims at becoming the exchange platform fostering synergies between terrestrial and space exploration’s sciences, R&D and technologies in the fields of:

– sustainable resource management
– sustainable habitats
– smart monitoring and system control

Information and registrationhttp://closedhabitatsforum.esa.int

Deadline for registration: 31 May 2016 (Please note: In order to enable active participation and fruitful exchange with everyone, Forum attendance has been limited.)

For participants to the MELiSSA Workshop, please note that there is no schedule overlap, therefore participation to both events is possible (registration required for both)

Looking forward to meeting you during the Forum!



BIOWYSE project review

Biocontamination Integrated cOntrol of Wet sYstems for Space Exploration


For Safe Water and Habitat Management on-board ISS and Future Human Space Exploration Vehicles and Planetary Outposts.

Our project BIOWYSE has passed another milestone with TRR review 3.-4.5.2018 in Torino, together with European Commision representatives.





MEGAHIT workshop of European Science Foundation and European Commision, Brussels

2-4 December, 2013, Brussels

European Science Foundation

participant in international workshop on Megawatt highly efficient technologies for space power and propulsion systems for long-duration exploration missions

Building a road-map for nuclear electric in-space propulsion activities within the EC Horizon 2020 programme, the next Research and Technological programme of the Union.

MEGAHIT is funded by the European Commission, under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).


TU Wien – Destination Moon lecture and critique

17.4.2012 Vienna, Technical University Vienna

Lecture about building on the Moon, habitats, SinterHab

critique of  student’s projects of lunar bases

PETower project session at ETH University Zurich

TEDxVienna: From Ocean to Mars

TED TALK about the importance of our step to space and presentation of projects.

see the YouTube video here or go to TALKS section